By Professor Keith D. Cooper and Dr. Timothy J. Harvey
This advanced compiler construction ebook describes compiler design techniques in a wonderful way. Following are the various compiler construction topics covered in this ebook.
- Introduction to Optimization
- The Fortran H Compiler
- Value Numbering as an Introduction to Optimization,
- Global Analysis (& Optimization)
- More on Data-flow Analysis
- Allen-Cocke Interval Analysis
- Proliferation of Data-flow Analysis Problems
- Static Single Assignment Form
- Using SSA: Dead Code Elimination and Constant Propagation
- Order from Chaos: The COMP 512 Taxonomy
- Profile-guided Code Positioning
- CLEAN: Removing Useless Control Flow
- Operator Strength Reduction
- Lazy Code Motion
- Algebraic Reassociation of Expressions
- Code Replication
- Code Motion of Control Structures
- Optimization of Range Checking
- IBM's PL.8 Compiler
- Compiling for Reduced Energy Consumption
- Register Allocation Via Graph Coloring
- Instruction Scheduling: Introduction & Local List Scheduling
- Instruction Scheduling: Randomization, Register Pressure, and More,
- Balanced scheduling
- Instruction Scheduling: Software Pipelining
- Instruction Scheduling: More Software Pipelining and Other Superlocal Techniques
- Ten Hardware Features that Affect Optimization
- Register Allocation via Hierarchical Graph Coloring
- Interprocedural Analysis and Optimization
- Dynamic Compilation in an OOL: The Deutsch-Schiffman Impementation of Smalltalk-80
- Dynamic (or runtime) Optimization