The two first chapters contain the basics on Tree Automata theory for finite ordered ranked trees. Chapter 3 shows connections between Logic and Tree Automata. Chapter 4 presents Automata with Constraints. Chapter 5 presents Automata for Sets of Tree Languages. Chapter 6 gives the basics on Tree Transducers. Chapter 7 (new, work in progress) presents Alternating Tree Automata. We provide a search engine for Tata, a detailed description of the different chapters, and Postcript versions of all chapters:
We know that the book currently covers only few aspects of tree automata. A new chapter covering Tree Automata for Unranked Trees, Unordered Trees and more generally Tree Automata for Trees modulo Equational Theories is scheduled. We welcome submissions of additional chapters investigating other aspects of tree automata. We believe it is important to keep the homogeneity of the book, which should not be a collection of chapters. Hence submissions should be consistent with previous chapters. They will be reviewed by the current authors. If you wish to contribute, please send a message to